Category Archives: Gifts

Well Groomed

well groomed style board

For the well groomed man in your life.

1. Looking Sharp soap (simplyput) 2. Shoe shine kit (Sid Mashburn) / 3. Mens beard comb (Kent) / 4. Pewter shaving brush (Kaufmann Mercantile) / 5. Facial fuel lip balm (Kiehls) 6. Reading glasses (Orvis) / 7. Mustache bottle opener & cork pull (simplyput) / 8. Shoe brush (simplyput) / 9. Linen pocket square (Matteo linen for Apolis) / 10. Gameface facial moisturizer (simplyput) / 11. Brushman Hat (Barbour) / 12. The Day of the Peacock book (simplyput)

Journal therapy

I have always kept a journal.

Actually, I started writing in one when I was 13 (very rough patch for most pre-teen girls) and stopped shortly after discovering graphic design (21) as if designing became my new therapy.

I still give journals as gifts to friends going through hard times or for my friends’ pre-teen daughters and they always seem to make things better. Check out some of our favorite journals we’re carrying at the store.